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Exploring the impact of MC4R gene variants on food preferences
Integrative medicine for obesity and pre-diabetes reduction
Empowering successful outcomes: Program strategies for clients using Anti-Obesity Medications (AOMs)
Redefining fitness: Time-efficient strategies for active living with AOM medications
Validation of omron percent body fat measuring instrument
The first responder obesity epidemic: Practical solutions to our major cause of morbidity and mortality
Wellness from within: Mini mindset shifts to create lasting change
Flattening the cost curve and improving health outcomes: Results from a weight management pilot program with a state employee health plan
Understanding and addressing the multifactorial nature of obesity: A comprehensive approach
Optimizing weight loss with AI: A randomized trial of dietary supplement prescriptions in obese patients
Enhancing workplace productivity through health solutions: Data-driven insights on the impact of GLP-1 medications on focus, productivity, and absenteeism
The burden of eating disorders in South Asians
Predictors and moderators of treatment outcomes in a randomized clinical trial of cognitive behavioural therapy integrated with weight loss for people with disorders of recurrent binge eating and high BMI
Healthy eating: Back to basics in light of scientific evidence
Assessment of the level of physical activity of soldiers of different types of troops of the polish armed forces
Smart fat: Physical exercise-induced mechanisms for obesity prevention
Efficacy of intensive lifestyle modification using meal replacements for sustainable weight loss and body composition improvement in obese adults: A retrospective cohort study
Understanding factors that prevent patients from choosing bariatric surgery: A qualitative analysis
The impact of psychological therapy methods on improving weight loss
Physiology of the anti-calorie diet
Multifacated approach to get kids make good food choices and to be active
Outcomes of omega loop gastric bypass, 6-years experience of 1520 cases
The incidence of hypoglycemia and its risk factors among diabetic patients at prince mohammed bin abdulaziz national guard hospital In Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarh, Saudi Arabia
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