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Aboubacar Oumar Bangoura, Speaker at Obesity Conferences
Aboubacar Oumar Bangoura
University Gamal Abdel Nasser, Guinea


Former Minister of High Education and Scientific Research, Guinea; b. 18 December 1963, Research Scientist; Educator. s. Oumar Bangoura and Traore Mariama; m. Aïssata N’Diaye, Feb. 18, 2001; Children: Safiatou B., Ibrahim B., Kany B. & Aïcha B.. Education: PhD, Food Science, School of Food Science & Technology, Southern Yangtze University, China, 2005; MSc, Human Nutrition, School of Food Science & Technology, Wuxi University of Light Industry, China, 2000; B.Sc.Tech, Chemical Engineering, Food Technology, University Gamal Abdel Nasser of Conakry (UGANC), Guinea, 1991. Experiences: Head of Advanced Studies Services, UGANC, Dec. 2022; Head of Division in Advanced Studies Services, UGANC, March 2018; Assistant to Vice-rector in charge of Scientific Research, UGANC, Janv. 2012. Appointments: Assistant Lecturer, 2007 – 13; Assistant Professor, Research Lecturer, 2013-20; Professor, Director of Research, High education and Scientific research 16 November 2020; Publications: Comparative studies of ion exchange chromatography and yeast application for desalting fibersol-2 (Chapter of book Microbes in the Spotlight: Recent Progress in the Understanding of Beneficial and Harmful Microorganisms, Brown Walker Press., Boca Raton, Florida USA, 2016); Food application of fibersol-2 desalted by yeast and calcium chelated fibersol-2 (Chapter of book Industrial, medical and environmental applications of microorganisms: current status and trends, Wageningen Academic Publishers., 2014); In-vivo evaluation of fibersol-2 desalted by yeast and calcium chelated fibersol-2 (Chapter of book Microbes in Applied Research: Current Advances and Challenges, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2012); Yeast Application for Desalting Fibersol-2, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, UK, 2006); Honours : Who’s who in the World, Marquis Publication, USA. 2016; Who’s who in America, Marquis Publication, USA. 2016; Great Men and Women of Science, IBC, Britain 2018; Cambridge Certificate for Outstanding Scientific Achievement, IBC, Britain, 2016. Memberships: Formatex Research Center; EUREKA Science Ltd; Societé Ouest Africaine de la Chimie (SOACHIM). Address: Chemical Ingineering Department, Concentration of Food and Agriculture, University Gamal Abdel Nasser of Conakry, PO Box 1147, Conakry, Republic of Guinea.
