Childhood obesity is a complex disorder. Its occurrence has raised so significantly in recent centuries that many ponder it a key health concern of the developed world. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey specify that the occurrence of obesity is growing in all pediatric age groups, in both genders, and in various ethnic and racial groups. Many aspects, including Metabolism Disorders, lifestyle, genetics, eating habits and environment are alleged to play a role in the progress of obesity. However, more than 90% of cases are idiopathic; fewer than 10% are linked with hormonal or genetic causes. Childhood obesity prejudices to liver and renal disease, hyperlipidemia hypertension, insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes and reproductive dysfunction. This complaint also increases the risk of adult-onset obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Dietary practice in these perilous periods affects cognitive and physical development and has significances in future. Therefore, attaining healthy eating manners that will tolerate is important for children and adolescents. Nutrition management has been pragmatic to several childhood obesity intervention studies. Varied forms of nutrition education and counseling, a Mediterranean-style hypocaloric diet, key messages and nutritional food choice have been executed as dietary interventions. The alteration of dietary risk in terms of nutrients, dietary patterns, foods and dietary behaviors has been functional to altering problematic dietary factors.