HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.
Vicky Midwood, Speaker at Weight Management Conferences
Go Figure Coaching, United Kingdom


By focusing on ‘fixing’ symptoms, which is the allopathic medicine model we are missing the opportunity to help to heal the whole person. Success comes when we take the focus off weight and obesity and put it on HEALTH in all areas, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. 

If we talk health and self-worth, self-care and self-understanding along with education on nutrition, setting boundaries, re-learning self-talk and re-connecting to their own body we can empower people to make permanent changes that will make a difference. Can we stop judging people, chastising people, speaking to them like they are stupid, have no control and telling them off for not being able to ‘stick to a plan’? 

The current way of treating obese and overweight people is a broken and flawed as that of treating underweight and Anorexic people by focusing only on weight and numbers. Its not only not working, it makes recovery 100% harder! 

This practical, powerful and provocative presentation presented by a fully recovered bulimarexic alcoholic, exercise addict looks at the how we need to have a total overhaul of food addiction, eating and weight disorders, the system as it stands is harming not healing. 

This is an opportunity to fully understand the importance of looking at body, brain, bacteria, biomes, beliefs, boundaries, language, life experiences, attitude, self-worth, and trust, that are the KEY principles to changing habits, thoughts, feeling and behaviours around food and weight. 


Vicky Midwood - AKA:  The Addictions Eliminator is an integrative health, nutrition, and lifestyle coach and has been in the fitness and wellness world for over 30 years. Creator of the BLAST Method to Feeling Fabulously Free based on science and personal experience she helps, smart, educated, high achievers over 35 reduce anxiety, shame, and guilt by eliminating the compulsion to self-sabotage with food or alcohol or both so they can thrive, not just survive day after day. She is Author of the book: Thrive Not Strive: A practical Guide to Feeling Happy, Confident & Healthy AgainAuthor of the Chapter: The Messy Madness That Set Me Free in the book Women Thrive – Inspiring True Stories of Women Overcoming Adversity and runs a weekly Podcast: Raw Chatter focused on the taboo topics others don’t delve into.
