HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.
Johnny Wen, Speaker at Obesity Conference
Providence Hospital, United States


This culturally diverse group were Class III morbidly obese (BMI/Kg = 47.04, sd 9.70) pre-surgical bariatric participants who received pre-screening psychological assessments that included the Personality Assessment Inventory. A total of 41 subjects were included in this prospective study, single site, age range between 19-68 (mean age 47.7, sd 11.65) and education years (mean 13.4, sd = 1.95). Eighty- and one-half percent were females, with 56.1% Hispanic, 7.3% Caucasian, 17.1% African American and 4.9% Asian, 9.8% stated to be “other”. Nine patients were seeking the gastric sleeve procedure, 23 patients were seeking the gastric bypass procedure while 6 of the patients have not decided at the time of this evaluation but desired to move forward with a surgical procedure, and already consulted with his/her bariatric surgeon.

Almost 71% of the patients reported obesity issues during their adult life only (>18 years of age). Sixty eight percent have tried commercially available/ formal diet food programs without success.

With this diverse cultural population, we provide various group mean T scores on Personality Assessment Inventory protocol. Although there were no specific questions addressing diet, food preferences, or eating disorder concerns on the measure, this inventory certainly did address chronic, acute, or severe mental health and substance use concerns to assist with the pre-screening process.


Dr. Johnny Wen and staff researchers/assistants are committed to this single site study and providing services to the bariatric population. Dr. Wen is fellowship trained in neuropsychology from Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He has 11 published papers in peer reviewed journals and one book chapter published by Guildford Press.
