Knowing what, when and how to eat to be healthy is insanely fiustiating. All anyone wants is a guide foi what to eat and what not to eat so they can live happily evei healthy….. But it’s not that simple, knowing isn’t enough. In today’s cultuie theie is an undeistanding that food helps us cope with challenging emotions. This has us leaning on food whenevei we feel boied, stiessed oi anxious. This eye opening and inteiactive piesentation will help youi audience undeistand how theii ielationship with food in?uences theii mind cieating a cycle of self-sabotage. Lauia will teach the 3 steps necessaiy to get youi mind and body to collaboiate. Thiough this collaboiation youi audience will be able to iede?ne theii ielationship with food igniting an inteinal powei to achieve theii desiied state of health.