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Manfred Doepp, Speaker at Obesity Conference
HolisticCenter, Switzerland


In the last 2-3 years, cases with histaminosis have clearly increased. We now call it a people's disease.Histamine is formed by splitting off carbon dioxide (decarboxylation) from the amino acid histidine and is stored in particular in mast cells, basophilic granulocytes and nerve cells.Important effects of histamine are its function in the defense against foreign – may be dangerous - substances and its pathological involvement in the symptoms of nutrition allergies. Histamine is also one of the mediator substances in silent inflammations. There are two pathways for histaminosis: a) histamine as a component of food (if too much histamine is ingested with food, histamine excess can occur), b) an overreaction to a food with production of histamine in the small intestine.

Intestinal inflammation can also be the cause of reduced DAO formation. If defense reactions against food proteins take place on the intestinal mucosa, inflammatory damage can occur to the mucosal cells themselves, which thin out and become leaky. This in turn leads to the symptoms of "leaky gut". In addition, the absorption capacity of the intestinal mucosa may decrease. This may lead to a deficiency in the absorption of amino acids (proteins), minerals, vitamins, trace elements, essential fatty acids, phospholipids, antioxidants and polyphenols, which in turn may have negative effects on energy formation and cell function.

Avoiding histamine-containing foods is relatively easy, as long as you know them. These are for instance: Red wine, blue cheese, old cheeses in general, cured meats, seafood, etc.
More important is the own production. Family physicians would have the task of testing the IgE and IgG antibodies to food allergens in the blood of each patient. Most commonly, large-molecule proteins such as casein (cow's milk and products) and gluten/gliadins (wheat, rye) have been shown to be problematic. This means that a usual American breakfast containing bread and latte is unacceptable. In our experiences, genetically modified foods (GMO) can also trigger histaminosis. This concerns e.g. peanuts, soy, corn. All these foods should be avoided.

The number of symptoms triggered by an increase in histamine is large. Beside urticaria, diarrhea, etc this means unfortunately : obesity. Why? Because a leaky gut syndrome causes substances to be absorbed from the intestine that cannot be processed by the metabolism. Instead, they are deposited in the fatty tissues.

What to do
In addition to the problems from the environment, the inner world must also be considered. It is not sufficient to substitute positive intestinal inhabitants ("probiotics") for this purpose, because these do not integrate into the intestinal milieu as long as pathogenic germs, Candida fungi or parasites determine the milieu. 
First of all, cleansing must take place. This is difficult, because it requires explosive diarrhea. We have had the best experience with a therapy using intracellular enzymes from the company Citozeatec (1) from Milano/Italy. The following is a treatment scheme for intestinal detoxification:  

Enzymatic intestinal detox treatment
First 6 days

- 10 ml «Citozym» in the morning before breakfast

- 10 ml «Ergozym plus» in the morning before breakfast

- 10 ml «Citozym» before dinner

From the 7th to the 60th day

- 20 ml «Citozym» dissolved in a glass of water in the morning before breakfast

- 10 ml «Ergozym plus» in the morning with breakfast

- 1 stick of «Probiotic P-450» at 11.00 a.m.

- 25 ml «Citexivir» with 1 stick of «Propulzym» dissolved in a glass of water before dinner

The successes with this treatment are great. First the intestine is cleaned, then the blood, the intercellular space, and finally the intracellular space.

Audience Take Away:

  • Nutrition in the Western world is poor.
  • This is due, among other things, to the allergenic quality of foods, i.e. wheat (gluten), milk (casein), GMO (unknown to the small intestine), with the effect of histaminosis.
  • Obesity as an important pathogenic factor in the population will not improve as long as the diet is of such a nature.
  • A diet that does not cause histaminosis is necessary.


Born in Bad Berleburg/Germany. Medical studies in Munich and Giessen, exams and doctorate in 1971. Scientific assistant at the clinical centre of the Justus Liebig University at Giessen until 1978. Senior physician for nuclear medicine at the clinical centre in Hanau until 1985. Founder of the "International Institute for Experiential Medicine" www.iifeh.de ; Founder of the "Diagnostic Centre for Mineral Analysis and Spectroscopy DCMS. From 2011 to 2018 Head Physician of the Quantisana Health Centre for Holistic Diagnostics and Therapy in CH 9404 Rorschacherberg. Since 2018 Head of the HolisticCenter in CH 9030 Abtwil. Many oral and written publications in the field of complementary and energy medicine. Many videos on Youtube, Google and complementary portals. Reviewer of international journals. Co-founder and Deputy President of DGEIM (German Society for Energetic and Information Medicine, Stuttgart www.dgeim.de).
